Bijdragen aan Annelies van Praag-Hagens

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Herdenk Annelies van Praag-Hagens

Annelies van Praag-Hagens

Danzig, – Auschwitz,

Bereikte de leeftijd van 24 jaar




The story behind the Annalies photo

My family, ten Hove, lived in Voorduinstraat, Haarlem and knew Annalies and her husband Joost. They were told tey had to be resettled in Germany. They left some possessions, including furniture and their dog when they left with my Mother’s family. The photo of Annalies was given at the time. The photograph stayed with my family when they left the Voorduinstraat sixty years later and turned up …

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The story behind the Annalies photo

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Re: The story behind the Annalies photo

My family, ten Hove, lived in Voorduinstraat, Haarlem and knew Annalies and her husband Joost. They were told they had to be resettled in Germany. They left some possessions, including furniture and their dog when they left with my Mother’s family. The photo of Annalies was given at the time. The photograph stayed with my family when they left the Voorduinstraat sixty years later and turn…

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