Sophie Adele Jacobs

Amsterdam, – Amsterdam,

Reached the age of 70 years


About Sophie Adele Jacobs

A letter remains that Sophie Adèle Jacobs received from H.C. Wichers-Heath (Hilversum) while she was at Westerbork.
Jewish Historical Museum, Documents collection, 426

This person lived alone or no information about family members is known or traceable.

In addition, a Jokos file (number 61076) on this person is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from th…

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Sophie Adèle Jacobs

Sophie Adèle is een dochter van Leopold Siegfried Jacobs en Rachel Emma Buzaglo. Ze was maatschappelijk werkster van beroep.

Sophie Adèle overleefde de oorlog. Na de oorlog bleef ze in Amsterdam wonen, ze was niet getrouwd. Ze overleed 5 april 1977 in Amsterdam.

SAA archiefkaart Sophie Adèle Jacobs

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