
Egon Troplowitz


Egon came to the Netherlands on January 5th, 1939, with a Kindertransport. He stayed in the Dommelhuis in Eindhoven, and in Huis ten Vijver in Scheveningen. In May 1940 he went to Amsterdam, and moved in with a family.
Egon was learning to be a baker.
His parents were Ros Meyer, born in 1884 in Köln, and Max, born in 1876 in Sandowitz. Both parents perished in the ghetto in Lodz. Max was an office clerk.
Egon's uncle was living in Brussels, and trying to get Egon to Belgium. When that did not work out the idea was that Egon would go to the US.
Last address in Germany: Köln Lindenthal, Kringsweg 15.

Source: National Archive, 2.04.58, inv 130 and others

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