
Georg and Hedwig Flatow

Georg and Hedwig Flatow were German Jews who lived in Berlin until 1939. Their address was: Berlin-Schlachtensee Niklasstrasse 5 (temporary Chamberlainstraße). Because of their Jewish origin, they were persecuted by the Nazis and forced to emigrate with her daughter Ilse.
They fled to one of their best friends: Prof. Dr. jur van den Bergh, Amsterdam, Van Eeghenstraat 106 and worked sometimes in the “Werkdorp Nieuwesluis, Wieringen”.

Dr. Georg Flatow was Undersecretary of the Prussian Ministry of Labour and Trade and was dismissed in 1933 by the Nazis. He was one of the leading employment lawyers of the Weimar Republic and wrote the commentary on the “Works Council (Betriebsräte)-Law”. After the pogrom in 1938, he was arrested and interned in the concentration camp Sachsenhausen. Then he had to emigrate with his family to Amsterdam.

Hedwig Flatow comes from the Wiener family, her grandfather was the rabbi Adolf Wiener (Opole) and Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck was her cousin by marriage of her. She worked in Berlin in the education and social sectors. Both were active social democrats.

The daughter Ilse (Ila) Flatow survived and went to Israel. She donated a number of family documents to the Leo Baeck Institute in New York. These documents can be found in "The Familiy George Flatow Collection": .

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