Arie Izak van Tijn was married to Elisabeth Polak. The couple had an unmarried daughter, Aleida, and two married daughters, Isidora Gosschalk-van Tijn and Etty Bouwman-van Tijn. They were all office clerks. They also had a son, Maurits van Tijn.
Arie Izak van Tijn had a fancy goods business on the corner of the Peperstraat and the Hof in Amersfoort. He was a brother of Samuel van Tijn.
G. van Colmjon, ’Gedeporteerde joodse winkeliers lieten veel lege plekken achter‘, in: Amersfoortse Courant, 5 April 1997
K. Ribbens, Zullen we nog terugkeren
. De jodenvervolging in Amersfoort tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog (Amersfoort 2002) 170-173
In addition, a Jokos file (number 51648) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.