Jacob Sanders studied medicine in Amsterdam, where he sat for his medical finals on 19 April 1913. He qualified on 6 May 1918 in Amsterdam on a thesis about 'Disease and death among Jews and non-Jews in Amsterdam'. He established himself as a family doctor at 240 Heemraadssingel in Rotterdam. In 1933, he was appointed as director to the 'Nederlandsch Instituut voor erfelijkheidsonderzoek bij den mensch en voor rassenbiologie, afd. medisch-statistisch erfelijkheidsonderzoek‘ (Dutch Institute for genetic research and racial biology, deparment of medical statistics) in The Hague. He lived there at 350 Van Alkemadelaan. During the occupation, he lived as a doctor on leave in Pijnacker. Jacob Sanders wrote several monographies. He was a member of the Dutch Zionist Students Organisation. His wife survived the war.
J.H. Coppenhagen, Anafiem Gedoe‘iem. Overleden joodse artsen uit Nederland 1940-1945 (Rotterdam 2000) 134-135
For additional information (in Dutch) and a photograph see the ‘Death books of the Oranjehotel’ on the website of the National Archives.