
About David Simons

On Saturday 11 April 1942 at 7 o'clock pm, ten Jewish residents of Leeuwarden were arrested in revenge for removing the plaque 'Forbidden for Jews' that had been fixed to a bench in the Vossepark. They were transferred to Amersfoort camp. David Simons was among them. He lived at 56 Steinstraat in Leeuwarden.
David Simons was executed on 13 July 1942 in Oud-Leusden. Jules Frank, chairman of the Jewish Undertakers in Amersfoort, collected his remains from camp Amersfoort.
S. de Jong, Joods leven in de Friese hoofdstad 1920-1945. Voltooid verleden tijd (Leeuwarden, 1970) 61-63;
K. Ribbens, Zullen we nog terugkeren… . De jodenvervolging in Amersfoort tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog (Amersfoort 2002) 154

The funeral records at the Jewish cemetery in Leeuwarden reveal that David Simons was buried there.

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