
About Levi Joseph Spier

Levi Joseph Spier was a textile merchant and proprietor of the company Wed. L.M. Spier. He married Bertha Fortuin on 20 May 1897. She died on 7 February 1903. He remarried on 17 August 1910. Levi Joseph Spier died while in hiding. His second wife survived the war. She died on 24 may 1945 in Alkmaar.

Joseph Spier was the last chairman before the war of the Jewish community in Zutphen.
//S. Laansma, De Joodse gemeente van Zutphen (Zutphen 1977) 39, 47;
M. Wolff, De nakomelingen van Wolff ben Eleazar en Moshe ben Gompertz Halevi, 1695-1995 (Arnhem, 2001) 140//