
About Carl Rapp

Carl Rapp was a son of Carl Rapp and Louise Nathan. He was widower of Willemina Maria Remmers. He married Lucie Ilse Eichenberg on 13 February 1942.
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Carl Rapp died on 29 June 1943 in Westerbork transit camp and he was cremated on 1 July 1943. The urn with his ashes was placed on the Jewish cemetry Nieuw Eijk en Duin in The Hague on field A, grave number 793.
Register van joden die in het kamp Westerbork zijn gecremeerd, 1943-1944; archief van de gemeente Westerbork, opgenomen in het archief van de gemeente Midden-Drenthe te Beilen, inv. n 3789

In addition, a Jokos file (number 53312) on this person is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.The Jokos file reveals that a claim was lodged for compensation for :

- securities or bonds. (W-claim, number O.293 O.20; C101 / 1772)

- valuables surrendered to the Lippmann-Rosenthal looting bank (L-claim, number 9860 / 16067)