
About Marcus Swart

Marcus Swart was the eighth child of Jesaja Swart and Saartje Levitus. He was born at 10 Rapenburgerstraat in Amsterdam. He completed the Jewish school on the Rapenburgerstraat and then helped his father in his shop. He never married.
When Marcus Swart was summoned to report to one of the Jewish labour camps in July 1942, he requested a deferment to care for his family: his father had been arrested, and his older brothers were in labour camps. In August 1942 he went to the SD on the Euterpestraat to request the deferment. He was arrested right there and held at the house of detention on the Weteringschans. He was subsequently deported to Auschwitz via Westerbork.
A photocopy remains of the birth certificate of Marcus Swart and of a letter he wrote his mother from Camp Westerbork in the first week of September 1942.
Joods Historisch Museum, Documentenverzameling, 10289, ordner I