
About Emily Zippora Prins

Emilie Sippora Prins (also written as Emily Zippora), was a daughter of Liepman Jacob Prins and Elisabeth Schaap. She was a sister of Lewis Prins, who was married to Ernestine Loewenthal and later to Esther Spier. Emilie was unmarried and worked as housekeeper with a number of families and places and institutions. Among others she was employed in Den Bosch, in Apeldoorn at Het Apeldoornse Bos (pyshiatric hospital) from April 1914 till June 1915. She also worked in Rotterdam, Groningen, Meppel and Enschede.

Emily Zippora Prins had been housekeeper to Nathan Levie van Essen in Veenendaal since 1928, who passed away there 23 April 1943 and was interred in the Jewish Cemetery in Veenendaal. During the period Emilie  was employed by Nathan Levie van Essen, she lived in his residence too, until she had to move after his passing. She ended up in Houtmarkt 10 in Amsterdam, (the former Jonas Daniël Meijerplein), from where she was deported from there to Camp Westerbork 15 May 1943, where she stayed in barack 60, waiting for further deportation. 18 May she was put on transport to Sobibor where she was killed immediately on arrival there 21 May 1943. She was 70 years old.

Sourced: City Archive of Amasterdam,  Peoples Registry, copied volumes 1892-1920; Book by  M. Brink and D. van Kreveld, Geschiedenis van de Joodse gemeenschap in Stichts en Gelders Veenendaal (Veenendaal 2001) pages 319-320 and 142, 149, 238, 333 (History of the Jewish Community of Veenendaal) and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Emilie Prins.