
About Izak van Been and his family

Izak van Been was a son of Abraham van Been and his 3rd wife Sientje Bacharach. 2 December 1931 he married in Rotterdam Esther Swaluw, a daughter of Isaac Swaluw and Maria Melkman. 7 March 1932 their son Abraham was born. However, the marriage of Izak en Esther ended in a divorce by verdict of 24 February 1936 by the District Court of Rotterdam and which was registered in the Registers of Marriages and Divorces 13 June 1936.

Izak van Been married afterwards again: 23 September 1936 he married Hanna Boeki in Rotterdam, a daughter of Jacob Boeki and Leentje Berkelouw. From this marriage, again two children were born, namely Leentje on 27 August 1937 and Sylvia on 13 November 1942.

Izak van Been and his family were registered by the Jewish Council of Rotterdam 28 July 1942. Izak was a tailor and furrier by trade and according notes on his registration card of the Jewish Council he was “tailor service care taking Jewish Council” however, he was not “gesperrt”(exempted from deportation). Another note on his card was that “he was a good craftsman” but “difficult to get with”

Abraham van Been, Izak’s son from his 1st marriage to Esther Swaluw, grew up in the family of his father and his 2nd wife Hanna Boeki. They resided at Nolensstraat 85 a in Rotterdam, from where they were all deported to Camp Westerbork 10 April 1943 where they had to stay in barack 72.

20 April 1943 Izaak van Been, his wife and children have been put on transport to Sobibor, and upon arrival there 23 April 1943, they were immediately killed.

City archive of Rotterdam, family registration cards of Abraham van Been and Izak van Been; website, weddingcertificate and divorce certificate 221 of 13 June 1936 of Izak van Been and Esther Swaluw; wedding Izak van Been and Hanna Boeki and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Izak van Been, Hanna van Been-Boeki, Abraham van Been en Leentje van Been and an addition of a visitor of the website.

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