
About Levie Israëls

Levie Israëls was a son of Lazarus Israëls and Johanna Frank. He was a butcher by trade and unmarried.

On 27 January 1930 Levie came from Nijmegen to Rotterdam and lived at first at Van Oldebarneveldstraat 79a, per 3 April 1933 at Aert van Nesstraat 50b and as latest address at Eerste Middellandstraat 68a where he lived since 8 April 1935. In 1936, his mother, Johanna Israëls-Frank lived in four months with Levie but she left the city again for Roermond in July 1936.

Levie Israëls was registered in Camp Westerbork on 13 April 1943 and stayed in barack 60. On his registration card was his address listed too, that he lived at Nieuwe Hoogstraat 9 in Amsterdam. At that address Hotel Hiegentlich was founded, a hotel "for families and singles". It is not known when Levie Israëls moved from Rotterdam to Nieuwe Hoogstraat in Amsterdam.

On 20 April 1943 Levie Israëls was deported from Camp Westerbork to Sobibor and three days later he was killed immediately upon arrival there on 23 April 1943.

City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration cards of Levie Israëls and Johanna Frank; websites and; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Levie Israëls.