Maud Parser started her drama career in 1935. She used the stage name Maud Perry and acted with the Hollandsch Tooneel and the Saalborn-Parser company.
P. H. Honig (ed.) Acteurs- en Kleinkunstenaarslexicon. 3200 namen uit 100 jaar Nederlands toneel (Heino/Diepenveen 1984) 728
Maud Parser was a granddaughter of Zadok Parser and Saartje te Korte. Her father survived the war. When Maud Parser was in Westerbork, Louis Staal sent her luggage from Linnaeskade 6 in Amsterdam. The sending dates are 12, 14 and 16 May 1943.
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Maud Parser was the daughter of an actor and an actrice. Her parents were divorced. She lived with a family in the Hunzestraat. When this family had to go into hiding Maud was forced to move. She was engaged to a man with Staal as his surname, presumably the above mentioned Louis.
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