
About Benjamin Cohen

Benjamin Cohen was a son of Nathan Cohen and Sophia Cohen. 17 June 1914 he married the non-Jewish Johanna Zweerus in Rotterdam, a daughter of Jan Zweerus and Elisabeth van Houten.

22 November 1942 was Benjamin Cohen registered in Camp Westerbork, where he was taken ill in the camp hospital in barack 82, 27 Januari 1943. He died on 21 May 1943 in Westerbork transit camp and he was cremated on 26 May 1943. The urn with his ashes was placed on the Jewish cemetry in Diemen on field U, row 6, grave nr. 28.

City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration card of Benjamin Cohen, his wedding certificate and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Benjamin Cohen; Register van joden die in het kamp Westerbork zijn gecremeerd, 1943-1944; archief van de gemeente Westerbork, opgenomen in het archief van de gemeente Midden-Drenthe te Beilen, inv. n 3789

Lijst van in de concentratiekampen Westerbork en Buchenwald overleden Joodsche Personen die op Nederlandsche begraafplaatsen ter aarde werden besteld; NIOD, archief Westerbork, port. 1, map 1