
About André Jacques Polanus

André Jacques Polanus had 3 other siblings: Wolf (Wim), Juda (Jo) and Adriaan.
City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Andries Polanus.

André Jacques Polanus was unmarried. He was a professional repairer of fountain pens. He provided the resistance with formulas for making explosives and probably also building instructions for radio equipment. After he was caught, André Jacques Polanus was deported to Birkenau via Amsterdam (the prison at the Weteringschans), Bochum and Wolfenbüttel.
//NIOD, Erelijst Verzet en Koopvaardij, database made by J.W. de Leeuw;
B. Braber, Zelfs als wij zullen verliezen. Joden in verzet en illegaliteit in Nederland 1940-1945 (Amsterdam, 1990) 54//

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