
About Benjamin Gans

By Royal Decree of 26 February 1814 and at the initiative of King William I, the Nederlands-Israëlitisch Seminarium [Dutch-Jewish seminary] (NIS) was opened in Amsterdam to provide the Jewish communities with rabbis, teachers and other officials. Benjamin Gans was one of the students.
W.G.S. Bornstein, Students of the Nederlands Israëlietisch Seminarium (The Netherlands Jewish Theological Seminary) murdered during the Nazi-occupation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 1940-1945 (2003)

Benjamin Gans married Debora Kleinkramer in 1943. The civil ceremony was performed at the Hollandsche Schouwburg, as Jews were no longer allowed to get married in the city hall.
M.H. Gans, Memorboek. Platenatlas van het leven der joden in Nederland van de middeleeuwen tot 1940 (6e bijgewerkte druk; Baarn 1988) 815