
About Frederik Walter Kamerling

Frederik Walter Kamerling was a son of 495700 and a physician. He was unmarried and worked as a baker. Because he was mentally handicapped, he was admitted to the Zon en Schild institution in August 1942. In February 1943, upon hearing a rumour that the Jewish patients were to be picked up, his father removed him from the institution and placed him with a family on the Tuinstraat in Amersfoort. Frederik Walter Kamerling was confused. On 20 August 1943 the police received a report that he had climbed into the home of a German neighbour via the gutter and was in a very nervous state. He was taken by taxi to Zon en Schild and subsequently deported to Auschwitz via Westerbork.
K. Ribbens, Zullen we nog terugkeren… . De jodenvervolging in Amersfoort tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog (Amersfoort 2002) 92, 166-167