
About Salli Lipszyc

Salli Lipszyc married Hanna Bialer at the synagogue on the Claes de Vrieselaan in Rotterdam on 5 May 1942. The couple was caught while trying to escape to Switzerland.
W.C. Ultee, We mogen nergens heen, we moeten naar Vught. De joodse inwoners van Woerden, 1930-1947 (Woerden 1999)

Salli Lipszyc was the eldest son of Jacob Lipszyc and Regina Szyke. He had the Polish nationality. He married Hana Bialer in Rotterdam on 29 April 1942. A wedding notification was published in Het Joodsche Weekblad on 1 May 1942.
Shortly after their marriage Salli and Hanna fled to France in an attempt to reach Switzerland. They got arrested. From the French transit camp Drancy they were send to Auschwitz.
E. van Baarle, Vertrokken zonder nader adres: de joodse inwoners en onderduikers van Pijnacker, 1936-1945 (Pijnacker 2005)