
About Isidore Espinoza

Isidore Espinoza was a son of Judah Espinoza and Rijntje van Nierop. He married Maria Gaarkeuken in 1902 in Amsterdam. She passed away on 26 February 1940. They had four children: Reintje (who passed away in 1903), Juda Mozes, David and Reintje Flora.
Stadsarchief Amsterdam, archiefkaart Isidore Espinoza

Isidore Espinoza died at age 62 in Camp Westerbork on 23 October 1942. He was buried at the Jewish cemetery in Assen on 26 October 1942.
Jewish Historical Museum, Documents collection, 3397; Death register of the Jewish community Assen

The funeral records at the Jewish cemetery in Assen reveal that Isidore Espinoza was buried there.

This person is commemorated on a memorial in Assen. More information on this memorial can be found (in Dutch) on the website of the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei.