
About Levie Drielsma

Levie Drielsma was Hessel Drielsma's son from his first marriage. De Jong wrote of 'mad Lewie Drielsma': 'This lad did not utter ten words a year. But he excelled at whistling. His musical talent was second to none in whistling all the operas, to the final bars: Rigoletto, Aida, Cavaleria-Rusticana, Faust by Gounod. The complete range of classical opera. Any sound of whistling in the Jewish neighbourhood before the break of dawn sure to come from ´mad Lewie Drielsma´, leaving the shul for his parents´ home.'
S. de Jong, Joods leven in de Friese hoofdstad 1920-1945. Voltooid verleden tijd (Leeuwarden, 1970) 30-31