
About Branco Sara van Gelder

Branco van Gelder was called 'Toetie'. She attended the 'HBS A' and got a diploma in The Hague.
Addition of a visitor of the website

Branco van Gelder was a steno typist at the Israëlitisch Oude mannen- en vrouwenhuis (Jewish home for the elderly) in The Hague.

Data on the residents of the Jewish home for elderly men and women in The HagueThe records of the Israëlitisch Oude mannen- en vrouwenhuis (Jewish home for the elderly) in The Hague are part of the records of the Nederlands Israëlitische Gemeente (Dutch-Jewish Congregation) (NIG) in The Hague. These records are kept at the municipal archive in The Hague. Access is subject to authorization from the NIG.