
About Philip Cohen.

Philip Cohen was a son of Maartje Cohen. He married 27 February 1889 Betje Brook, a daughter of Sabiena Brook. Beside a baby-girl who has died in 1890, only 14 months old, they had a daughter Sabiena.

Betje Brook passed away however on 21 November 1892 in Zutphen and Philip remarried 28 June 1893 Johanna Goudschmid, a daughter of Jacob Levi Goudschmid and Sara ?. Toghether they had ten children, of whom one child, Louis, has died young already in 1912, just 6 months old. Seven children, namelly Amalia, Nathan, Jacob, Mietje, Abraham, Rika and Mina have survived the  Holocaust. Their eldest daughter Sarina died in Leiden in 1921. Only his daughter Sophie, born in 1909, was found dead in her residence in Rotterdam on 24 May 1940.

Philip Cohen married for the 3rd time then on 16 May 1922 to Janette de Bruin, a daughter of Nathan Lijzer de Bruin and Elisabeth de Jong. From this marriage no more children were born.

website and the death certificate of Sophie Cohen from the City Archive of Rotterdams.