
About Izaak Theeboom

Izaak Theeboom was the eldest son of Daniël Theeboom and Keetje Goudsmit. He married 1 April 1930 in Amsterdam Margaretha Neuburger, a daughter of Hartog Neuburger and Sara Gobets. The couple had two sons, Robert and Donald.

Izaak had a brother Mozes, who moved in 1929 to Brussels, got married in Anderlecht and was deported from Mechelen to Auschwitz, his family as well.

 Izaak’s younger sister lived still in her parental house and has been killed in Sobibor; his mother was killed in Auschwitz.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of izaak Theeboom, Daniël Theeboom and website