
About Nanny Herz

Nanny Herz, born in Bochum (Germany), married there 15 October 1909 Frederik Philips van Buren, a son of Mozes Philips van Buren and Elisabeth Spiro. Together with Frederik, she had a daughter Elise on 15 December 1910, who married in 1940 to Leon Fierlier. In 1941 Nanny and Frederik had a granddaughter: Nanny.

Nanny Herz has been killed on 7 December 1942 in Auschwitz, together with her husband. Her daughter Elise and her granddaughhter Nanny have been killed there already on 23 July 1942. Her son-in-law Leon Fierlier lost his life eventually in Auschwitz on 30 September 1942.

City Archive of Amserdam, family registration card of Frederik Philips van Buren, archive card of Nanny Herz and Frederik Philips van Buren and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council of Amsterdam, record of Nanny Philips van Buren-Herz.