
Simon Nathans, merchant and cafe owner at Haren (province of Groningen), was a son of Nathan Simon Nathans and Aaltje van den Berg. He married Betje de Jong from Varsseveld on 16 May 1881 in Vries (province of Drente), a daughter of Salomon David de Jong and Klara Polak. The couple resided at Haren and had there eight children, namely Aaltje, Klara, Nathan, Salomon David, Sophia, Eva, David Simon and Anna. His son Nathan opassed already in 1913, aged 27 years. All his other children have been killed in the Shoah.

Simon Nathans had become a widower on 6 December 1928 and passed away self at Zuidlaren (Drente) on 11 July 1941. His youngest daughter Anna, who was married to Jakob van Dam, lived in with her husband at the address of her father in Zuidlaren at Bernhardlaan 12 but moved after her father's passing to Beukenlaan 12, also in Zuidlaren.

Websites, www.alle and www.alle and the archive of the Jewish Council, cards of  Anna Nathans en Jakob van Dam.