
About Jacob Boeki and his family.

Jacob Boeki, born 23 March 1892 as son of Isaac Boeki and Leentje Presburg, married 23 Decembet 1914 Leentje Berkelouw in Rotterdam, a daughter of Elias Berkelouw and Hanna de Bok. Jacob and Leentje had three children, namely Leentje, Hanna and Isaac. Of Jacob’s family only Isaac survived the Holocaust. The others were killed in Sobibor.

Afther their wedding, Jacob Boeki and his family have moved in Rotterdam certainly a dozen times, before he settled at Hugo de Grootstraat 142c. Afterwards, they have moved again one time: at the time of the registration of the Jewish inhabitants of Rotterdam since 1 October 1941, the Jacob Boeki family was registered at the address Schieweg 243d in Rotterdam.

Their daughter Hanna, born 11 October 1916 has left her parental home already 23 September 1936 to be married with Izak van Been, who was previously married to Esther Swaluw but that marriage ended in a divorce 13 June 1936. Izak and Esther had a son Abraham together, who stayed with his father and his 2nd wife Hanna Boeki. After they were married, Hanna Boeki and Izak van Been have lived at various addresses in the city but their last known address – as registered with by the Jewish Council – was Nolensstraat 85a in Rotterdam.  Hanna and Izak had two daughters together, Leentje in 1937 and Sylvia in 1941. All were killed in Sobibor 23 April 1943.

From notes on the Jewish Council registration card of their son Isaac, who was born 31 May 1924, it appeared that he was de-registered from the Peoples Registry of Rotterdam because “he has left with an unkown destination”. Furter notes from 10 January 1946 made clear that Isaac Boeki has joined the American Army and served at C.I.C. Detachment H.QS. (Counter Intelligence Corps) of the 3rd US Army, (Army APO 403 A.S.). Isaac Boeki has survived the war.

Jacob Boek and Leentje Berkelouw were in hiding in Ede, where their daughter Lea (Leentje) was also in hiding, but on another address. When Jacob and his wife Leentje were discovered and arrested, their daughter, who was not in danger, somehow found out and joined them.

After their arrest Jacob Boeki, his wife Leentje Berkelouw and daughter Leentje Boek were brought to Den Haag and 22 April 1943 transferred with a "penal transport" from Den Haag to Westerbork, where they had to stay in barrack 66. They have been put on transport to Sobibor as “penal cases” on 27 April and on arrival there 30 April 1943, immediately killed.

City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration cards of Isaac Boeki, Jacob Boeki, Izak van Been; Transport list of 27 April 1943 from the book “Extermination Camp Sobibor” by Jules Schelvis, 2nd edition 1994,  editor De Bataafse Leeuw; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Jacob Boeki, Leentje Boeki-Berkelouw, Leentje Boeki, Hanna Boeki and Isaac Boeki and an addition regarding hiding of his parents by Jack Boeki.

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