
The fate of Benjamin Wolf and his family.

Benjamin Wolf, born in 1888 in Den Haag as son of David Wolf and Elisabeth de Vries, married 5 October 1920 in Rotterdam Elizabeth Hofstede, a daughter of David Hofstede and Leentje van Trommel. The couple had two children, both born in Rotterdam: David in 1920 and Izak in 1922.

Benjamin Wolf, a dealer in metals, lived since 14 February 1911 in Rotterdam, among others in Van Alkemadestraat 44 and since 1921 at Vlietkade 82b. Per 27 January 1941 the whole family of Benjamin Wolf moved to Vaillantkade 535 in Den Haag.

On 4 October 1942, Benjamin Wolf was registered in Westerbork and deported 16 October to “the East”. The transport contained 1710 persons, of whom 570 boys and men between 15 and 50 year were forced to leave the train during a stop at Kozel, located about 80 km. west from Auschwitz. They were forcedly employed as laborers in the surrounding satellite camps of Auschwitz. Those, who remained in the train, were transported onwards to Auschwitz, to be killed there.

Benjamin Wolf eventually ended up at "Reichsautobahnlager Annaberg" where he lost his life 29 November 1942 due to the inhuman and barbaric conditions there. As this date of death only recently was found when certificates of death were retrieved from the labor camps Annaberg and Niederkirch in Poland in 2016, among them also the death certificate of Benjamin Wolf, the Dutch authorities already has had drawn up a death certificate for Isaak Hilversum after the end of the war; his official date and place of death has been established as 19 October 1942 in Auschwitz, (equal to the date of death of his wife).

His wife, Elizabeth Wolf-Hofstede and her son Izak Wolf, were registered in Westerbork between 3-5 October 1942 too. Together with Benjamin Wolf, both were deported to Auschwitz on 16 October too, and on arrival there on 19 October 1942, immediately killed.

Izak, on the other hand, was killed eventually somewhere in Mid-Europe – unknown where and when, but probably in one of the forced labor camps in that region. After the end of the war, the Dutch authorities had have drawn up his certificate of death; his place and date of death was established officially as in Mid Europe on 31 March 1944.

David Wolf was already carried off to Westerbork on 19 August 1942 and deported to Auschwitz on 21 August 1942. On arrival he has been selected to work and he was employed in- or outside the camp, where he lost his life at an unknown place and date. Here too, the Dutch authorities had have drawn up a certificate of death for him after the end of the war; his place and date of death has been established officially as on 30 September 1942 in Auschwitz.

Sources among others: City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration card of Benjamin Wolf; website Benjamin Wolf; Municipal Archive of Den Haag/digital family tree; Digital Family tree of Delft; website; website Reinier en Dirkje Bobbe; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Benjamin Wolff (wronly spelled; should be Wolf), Elisabeth Wolf-Hofstede, David Wolf and Izak Wolf; of Jew transports from the Netherlands.

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