
Copyright and GDPR

What do you need to know before publishing a text or photo?

When you publish photos and text on this website, copyright (or copyright) and privacy protection law (GDPR) must be taken into account. 


The copyright of a photo or text belongs to the creator (author or photographer). After the creator dies, the heirs own the copyright. Copyright expires 70 years after the crerator's death. After that period a text or photo is free to use.

> If you write a contribution yourself or if you have taken a photo, you are the maker, so you own the copyright. You decide what someone else can do with the text or photo. You can choose between these three options:

  • attribution CC BY-NC-SA. Others may reuse your contribution for non-commercial purposes, but must state your name and the source ( more
  • free for use. Others may reuse your contribution without restrictions. You waive the copyright. more
  • all rights reserved. Others may not reuse your contribution. (NB: the Jewish Monument cannot check this)


> If you add a photo or text created by someone else:

- did the maker of the text or photo die more than 70 years ago? Then you fill in: free for use. There is no copyright anymore on the photo and others may therefore freely reuse your contribution. more

 - is the creator of the photo alive? Then you must ask him / her permission to publish the photo on The maker decides which of the above three options is checked. In the caption of the photo you can state the name of the maker.

- did the maker of the photo die less than 70 years ago? Then ask his/her children if you can publish the photo on the Jewish Monument. They determine which of the above three options is checked. In the caption of the photo you can state the name of the maker.

 - If the maker is unknown and it is a family photo from your own possession, before the Second World War, we assume that there is no problem with copyright. You can mention 'photographer unknown' in the caption of the photo.


Privacy protection (GDPR)

According to the privacy legislation (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR) you are not allowed to publish personal data of living individuals on the Internet.

For the Jewish Monument this means:

- you are not allowed to publish photos with living individuals on them, unless they have given their permission to do so.

- you are no allowed to publish texts that contain names of living persons without their permission.

- you are not allowed to add living family members (as a person page) without their written permission. This also applies to your own family (parents, brothers and sisters, cousins, children and grandchildren).



If you publish texts or photos that the editors of have questions about, concerning copyright or GDPR, we will contact you.

All rights reserved