
About Elisabeth Rood, her husband Meijer Slager and their daughter Riekje.

Elisabeth Rood was a daughter of Meijer Rood and Naatje Schenkkan. She married 20 August 1930 the tailor Meijer Slager, a son of Benjamin Slager and Riekje Smeer. On 26 December 1932 their only child Riekje was born.

After their marriage, Elisabeth and Meijer lived in the Hofmeijerstraat 14 in Amsterdam-East and in 1935 they moved to Trompenburgerstraat 129. In June 1938 they moved again to Rijnstraat 167 2nd floor, which became actually also their last known address.

Meijer Slager was sent to concentration camp Vught already on 17 February 1943 where he stayed till 20 September 1943. Then – together with 300 other prisoners – he was deported from Vught to Westerbork, to be put on transport the next day – 21 September to Auschwitz. On arrival there Meijer was not sent to the gas chambers to be killed but selected to perform hard labor in- or outside the camp. Eventually, Meijer Slager lost his life in Auschwitz on 17 January 1944.

His wife Elisabeth and daughter Riekje were sent to Vught on 7 May 1943 but already one month later, on 7 June 1943 with the so-called “childrens transport” deported from Vught to Westerbork. In Westerbork they stayed in barrack 62 till they both were put on transport to Sobibor on 20 July 1943 and on arrival there on 23 July 1943 they have been immediately killed.

Sources among others: City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card and archive card of Meijer Slager, archive card of Elisabeth Rood; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Meijer Slager, Elisabeth Slager-Rood and Riekje Slager and the Wikipedia list of Jodentransporten van uit Nederland.

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