
About Naatje van der Molen, her husband Isaäc Liefman and their daughters Dora, Esther and Amalia Rosa.

Naatje van der Molen was a daughter of Meijer van der Molen and Esther Appel. She married Isaäc Liefman on 18 November 1920 in Amsterdam, a son of Simon Liefman and Doortje Cohen. The couple had three children, namely Dora in 1922, Esther in 1925 and Amalia Rosa in 1936. Dora and Esther however have survived the Holocaust by going into hiding. Amalia Rosa and her parents were killed during the Shoah.

Simon Lieman was a general dealer and worked in a market stalls rental. After their marriage. Liefman and Naatje lived at Nieuwmarkt 15 2nd floor in the centre of Amsterdam but moved 14 August 1926 to Plantage Badlaan 14 in Amsterdam-East, where after the passing of Naatje’s father Meijer van der Molen, in November 1930, her mother Esther Appel came living in per 15 September 1931.

The Liefman family however moved rather frequently: since September 1931 they changed another four times of address – to Johann Keplerstraat, to Mr. P. Arntzeniusweg, to Maritsstraat – after which they moved in a house in Vrolikstraat 160 1st floor on 4 January 1937. From that date in 1937, Naatje’s mother no longer lived in with Isaäc and Naatje Liefman; she then searched accommodation elsewhere.

Naatje and her daughter Amalia Rosa were taken to Westerbork on 2 April 1943, registered there and accomodated in barrack 71. Due to problems with their luggage, of which the luggage service of the Jewish Council, department Oude Schans had reported on 24 April, that the luggage has been already delivered at the Zentralstelle on 1 April, it appeared that only 27 April the luggage arrived in barrack 71 in Westerbork. Only 11 May Naatje Liefman-van der Molen and her daughter Amalia Roas were deported to Sobibor, and on arrival there on 14 May 1943, they were immediately killed.

For an unknown “offense” Isaac Liefman was taken to Westerbork on 21 April 1943 and locked in as a penal case in the penal barrack 66. On 27 April he was deported with a “penal transport” to Sobibor where Isaac has been immediately killed upon arrival there on 30 April 1943.

Sources among others: City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card and archive card of Isaäc Liefman, archive card of Naatje van der Molen, residence card of Plantage Badlaan 14; website Liefman/Van der Molen and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Isaäc Liefman, Naatje Liefman-van der Molen and Dora, Esther and Amalia Rosa Liefman.


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