
About Chrisje Beek.

Chrisje Beek was the youngest of the seven children of Philip Leon Beek and Rebecca Koren. She had three other sisters, namely Eva, Elisabeth and Jansje and two brothers, Isaac Chrisje Beek was the youngest of the seven children of Philip Leon Beek and Rebecca and Jacob. There has been another brother Leon, who died in 1895 only one year old . Her sister Elisabeth passed away in 1939 at the age of 52 and was unmarried. Her brother Isaac died in Hilversum in 1936 at the age of 53. His wife and children were killed in the Shoah.

Chrisje Beek was unmarried. She lived in with her sister Elisabeth at Eerste van Swindenstraat 76 1st floor in Amsterdam-East. There lived also her sisters Jansje and Eva with her husband Jacque van Zwaanenburg and their daughter Rebecca Louise lived in. Chrisje moved in 1920 to Wagenaarstraat 8 1st floor and on 20 July 1927 she moved to Mesdagstraat 14 1st stock in Amsterdam-South, where eventually also her sisters Jansje and Eva with her daughter came to live.

Chrisje Beek was a nurse by profession and possessed her diploma's sick-nursing. She was legitimized by the Jewish Council to work as a privat nurse, which did not prevent her being arrested on 26 July 1943 and ending up in the penal barrack 67 in Westerbork. On 24 August Chrisje Beek was put on transport to Auschwitz, where she has been murdered immediately upon arrival there on 27 August 1943.

Sources among others: City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card of Elisabeth Beek, archive card of Chrisje Beek, residence cards from Amsterdam Mesdagstraat 14 and Wagenaarstraat and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Chrisje Beek.


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