
The fate of Abraham Mozes Reiss.

Abraham Mozes Reiss, the 7th child of Barend Reiss and Hanna Marie Root, was unmarried and upholsterer by trade. He still lived at home in his parental home with some siblings and with his mother at Tugelaweg 97 parterre in Amsterdam-East. His father passed away in March 1940 and interred in the Jeiwish Cemetery in Diemen.

Abraham Mozes Reiss was arrested and carried off 10 February 1943 to concentration camp Vught, where he stayed in barrack 42b. On his registration card from the Jewish Council, a note was made that he was there on 9 April 1943. On 17 September 1943 he was transferred from Vught to Westerbork where he was accommodated in barrack 63 till he was put on transport to Auschwitz on 21 September 1943.

The transport consisted of 979 deportees, among them 300 persons, who came the day before from camp Vught to Westerbork by train and it arrived in Auschwitz on 23 or 24 September 1943. Abraham Mozes was not immediately killed in the gas chambers but was deployed as forced labourer, possibly in Monowitz, as a note on his Jewish Council card suggests.

In the end, the Ministry of Justice ordered after the war the City of Amsterdam to draw up a certificate of death for Abraham Mozes Reiss, in which is established that Abraham Mozes Reiss has died in, or in the vicinity of Auschwitz on 28 February 1944.

Sources include City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card of Barend Reiss and archive card of Abraham Mozes Reiss; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Abraham Mozes Reiss; his certificate of death from Amsterdam, Reg.93-fol.101-nr. 593, dated 8 February 1942 and the Wikipedia listing jodentransporten vanuit

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