
About Jetje Groen.

Jetje Groen, daughter of Jacob Raphaël Groen and Branca van Lochem, was 11 years old when she has been taken to Westerbork on 28 October 1943. Based on this date may be assumed that Jetje Groen had gone into hiding and on the archive card of the City Archive of Amsterdam is mentioned with the date of 4 December 1942: V.O.W. – Vertrokken Onbekend Waarheen (translated: Left, Unkown Whereto). She was probably betrayed and arrested. In Westerbork she has been locked in in the penal barrack 67 and on 16 Novembefr 1943 she was put on transport to Auschwitz. On 19 November the transport arrived and the 11-year old Jetje Groen has been killed immediately on arrival in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenaum

Sources: City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Jetje Groen and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Jetje Groen and the identical Henriette Groen.

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