
......... CORRECTION ......... Not 6 May 1943 Birkenau but 7 May 1943 Sobibor.

Adjustment of the date of death of Leon Tokkie and his wife Hendrika David.

The dates of death of Leon Tokkie and his wife Hendrika David of 6 May 1943 in Birkenau are in accordance with the data of their official death certificates A1142 and A1143, drawn up on 23 May 1946 in The Hague, based on the order of 13 March 1946 of the First Chamber of the District Court in The Hague, in which it is stated that both have died on May 6, 1943 at ± 11 o'clock in Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland.

Later archival research has shown however that the data, stated in the death certificates cannot be correct and are incorrect; the archives of the Red Cross and the registration cards of Leon Tokkie and Hendrika David-Tokkie of the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, show, that they have been deported from Westerbork on 4 May 1943.

However, on 4 May 1943 there was no transport from Westerbork to Auschwitz, but to Sobibor extermination camp. The last transport from Westerbork to Auschwitz for the time being was on 23 February 1943; afterwards 19 trains started rolling to Sobibor of which the last train left Westerbork on 20 July 1943 and up from 24 August 1943, the Nazis again began deportations to Auschwitz.

It has been found that Leon Tokkie and Hendrika David both appear on the transport list from Westerbork to Sobibor of 4 May 1943. Copies of all transport lists to Sobibor are printed in the book “Sobibor, extermination camp” written by Jules Schelvis. The transportlist of 4 May 1943 with their names mentioned therein, can be found on page 395 of said book.

Usually, transports from Westerbork to Auschwitz or Sobibor took three days. On arrival in Sobibor, all deportees were killed in the gas chambers  the same day, if possible. The real date of death for Leon Tokkie and his wife Hendria David would therefore be: Sobibor, 7 May 1943.

On the website Joods Monument always the official Dutch date of death is maintained as stated after the war by the Dutch Ministry of Justice or established by order of the District Court and recorded in a certificate of death.

Sources include the archive of the Dutch Red Cross, transports from Westerbork; website jodentransporten vanuit; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Leon Tokkie and Hendrika Tokkie David; the Municipal Archive of Den Haag, certificates of death A1142 and 1143 for Leon Tokkie and Hendrika David and the book Extermination camp: Sobibor, page 395, transport list of 4 May 1943.

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