
About Joseph Sips, his wife Betje Tokkie and their two children.

Betje Tokkie was the eldest of the three children of Leon Tokkie and Hendrika David and born 15 December 1911 in Den Haag. She was married there on 22 March 1933 to Joseph Sips, also born in Den Haag on 13 January 1908 and up from March 1933 they lived in the Schoolstraat 9. After some more removals, they ended up per 11 October 1938 in the Weimarstraat 285. In 1936 their son Jack Leon was born, who, however, died in den Haag on 28 January 1941, just 4 years old. On 7 January 1939 their 2nd son, Leon, was born. At the time of the mandatory registration of all the Jews in the Netherlands, the family lived in the Mijdrechtstraat 11 in Den Haag.

During the first days of October 1942, Joseph Sips, his wife Betje Tokkie and their little son Leon Sips were taken from Den Haag to Westerbork and from there put on transport to Auschwitz on 26 October 1942. On arrival there, Betje Sips-Tokkie and her little son Leon were immediately killed in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau (see also the correction regarding the death of Betje Sips-Tokkie).

At the other hand, Joseph Sips was selected for “work” and ended up in Auschwitz III-Monowitz, a labour camp, where companies like IG Farben and Krupp Stahl had branches. On 26 October 1943 the first prisoners arrived in Monowitz and early November the population of the camp had been increased already till 2000 persons. From that moment on, Auschwitz III-Monowitz was except a labour camp, also a concentration camp, where Joseph Sips – according to his certificate of death, drawn up on 23 May 1946 in Den Haag, would have been died.

Sources include the Municipal Archive of Den Haag, family registration card of Joseph Sips; the City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration card of Leon Tokkie; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Joseph Sips, Betje Tokkie-Sops and Leon Tokkie; certificates of death, made out in Den Haag on 23 May 1946, nr. A1139, A1140 and A1141 for Joseph Sipd, Betje Sips-Tokkie and for Leon Sips; website jodentransporten vanuit and additions of visitors of the website.

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