
The fate of the brothers Wolf and Levie van Creveld from Rotterdam.

Wolf van Creveld was the eldest son of Philip Jacob van Creveld and his brother Levie was the youngest in the family. Wolf was born in Rotterdam on 18 August 1911 and Levie there on 5 October 1921. According to the registration in the Population Registry of Rotterdam, Wolf was a seller at a cattletrader, but in later years was Wolf also active as an independent livestock dealer. His brother Levie was known as butcher and also as a servant at a cattle dealer.

Wolf and Levie were both unmarried and they lived at home with their parents, who after their wdding in November 1910 started in the Hugo de Grootstraat 90b. But then removals followed: in the same street to house nr. 148b and 148a, then followed the Goudsche Wagenstraat 12a, the Sophiakade 823a, the Oostplein and the Oostzeedijk. Since June 1938 they lived at Hofdijk 33b, but one more move followed to the Lusthofstraat 96a, which also became their last known address in Rotterdam.

It is not illogical to assume that Wolf and Levie van Creveld have responded to the call for the so-called “Arbeitseinsatz”, the expansion of work in Germany, because on 31 July 1942 were both already in Westerbork. From there they were both deported to Auschwitz on 3 August where they were selected as forced laborers upon arrival there on ± 5/6 August 1942.

They have lost their lives there as a result of inhuman conditions, abuse, hardship or diseases, or were murdered at some point in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The exact date, where exactly and under what circumstances are not known. That is why, after the war, the Dutch Ministry of Justice ordered the municipality of Rotterdam to draw up a death certificate for Wolf van Creveld, stating that he died on 30 September Auschwitz; for Levie van Creveld, his obituary was published in the Nederlandse Staatscourant (State Gazette) of 6 April 1950, edition 69.

Sources including the Rotterdam City Archives, family registration card of Philip Jacob van Creveld; the file cabinet of  the Jewish Council, registration cards of Wolf van Creveld and Levie van Creveld; website Open on 30 September 1942 in Oswiecim (Poland) of Levie van Creveld / Dutch Government Gazette (Staatscourant), supplement missing (Ministry of Justice), The Hague April 6, 1950, edition 69, and the death certificate drawn up in Rotterdam dated 30 June 1950 No. 1532, inventory 1950V2 folio v2-049 for Wolf van Creveld.

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