
About Abraham Barend, his wife Anna Naarden and their children Gerrit, Isaäc and Barend.

Abraham Barend was a son of Gerrit Barend and Heintje Visser and born on 11 August 1905 in Amsterdam. He started his career as an errand boy, became an apprentice baker and eventually he was a bread baker by profession. On 9 February 1927 he married Anna Naarden in Amsterdam, who was born on 16 February 1907 as a daughter of Isaäc Naarden and Lena Vecht. The couple had three children, namely Gerrit in 1927, Isaäc in 1929 and in 1939 another son Barend was born.

After Abraham and Anna were married, they moved into a house in the Ingogostraat 14 3rd floor in Amsterdam-East, a side street of the Transvaalstraat. There they have lived till the moment in the night of 5 to 6 September 1942 that the entire family has been carried off to Westerbork. On 7 September they were all put on transport to Auschwitz already.

This transport with 930 deportees was a so-called Kozel transport. The train stopped at Kozel, located about 80 west from Auschwitz, where 110 boys and men between 15 and 50 years of age were forced to leave the train. They were deployed as forced labourers in the surrounding labor camps in the region.

Those who remained in the train, were transported onwards to Auschwitz to be killed there. That was the fate of Anna Naarden and her children, the 13-year old Isaäc and the 2-year old Barend. They were immediately killed in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau upon arrival there on 10 September 1942.

Abraham Barend and his 15-year old son Gerrite however, were forced to leave the train at Kozel and eventually they ended up as forced labourers in Seibersdorf. There, due to hardship and/or diseases they have lost their lives but it is not known on which date exactly. Therefore, the Dutch Ministry of Justice ordered after the war the City of Amsterdam to draw up certificates of death for Abraham and Gerrit Barend, in which was established that Abraham Barend died in Seibersdorf on 31 January 1943 and Gerrit Barend on 31 March 1943 in Seibersdorf too.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card of Gerrit Barend, archive cards of Abraham Barend, Anna Naarden and Gerrit Barend; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Abraham Barend, Anna Barend-Naarden and Gerrit, Isaäc and Barend Barend; death certificates made out in Amsterdam for Abraham Barend from the A-register 89-folio 101v, deed 599 dated 6 Dec 1951 and for Gerrit Barend from the A-register 89-folio 101v, deed 598 dated 6 Dec 1951 and the Wikipedia website Jodentransporten vanuit


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