
The fate of Coenraad Blog.

Coenraad Blog was the son of Mozes Blog and Lea Bierman. He was born on 4 June 1934 in Amsterdam and he lived with his parents at Plantage Muidergracht 41 2nd floor in Amsterdam. His parents however divorced on 19 May 1942 and his mother lived already elsewhere since February 1942.

Coenraad initially stayed with his father on the Plantage Muidergracht, but was soon placed with his grandparents Coenraad Blog and Roosje Stodel, who lived at 25 Bertelmanplein II, in Amsterdam-Zuid.

In April 1939, Coenraad came back to his father for a short while because his grandparents moved in July 1939 to the Majubastraat 3. But after his father was arrested during his hiding at the end of October 1942 and carried off to Westerbork,  Coenraad was accommodated in the Johannes Verhulststraat 45 hs. There the children's home Colson was located, which was run by Mrs. Colson-Timmer and where Jewish children were also in hiding. Coenraad was formally registered at that address by the municipality of Amsterdam on 10 December 1942.

It is not known how long Coenraad stayed in the Colson children's home in the Johannes Verhulststraat. Certain is however that he also was hidden in the Brinkgreven Foundation in Deventer, but eventually still ended up in Westerbork on 13 April 1943 where he was hospitalized in the men's ward of the camp hospital that was located in barrack 6.

His father had been in concentration camp Vught from 20 February 1943, from where he was deported to Auschwitz in March 1944 and his mother, Lea Bierman, had already been deported to Auschwitz on 16 July 1942. On 18 May 1943, the 8-year-old Coenraad Blog was deported to Sobibor, where he was immediately murdered in the gas chambers on arrival there on 21 May 1943.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card of Mozes Blog, archive cards of Mozes Blog, Lea Bierman, Coenraad Blog (1865) and Coenraad Blog (1934); residence card of Johannes Verhulststraat 45 ground floor in Amsterdam; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Coenraad Blog and Mozes Blog and the wikipedia listing of Jodentransporten vanuit

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