
The unknown fate of Jeanette van Moppes and her spouse Henri van Dam.

Jeannette van Moppes, the daughter of Zacharia van Moppes and Bella Stibbe, was born in Amsterdam on 14 December 1901. Her father was a diamond worker by trade and up from 1914 he regulary went to Antwerpen. In Amsterdam, Jeannette and her parents lived in the St. Antoniebreestraat and at Gelderschekade.

In 1920 the family moved to Borgerhout, where on 21 August 1929 Jeannette  married her first cousin Hendrik van Dam – usually called Henri – a son of Ruben van Dam who was born in 1874 in Antwerp and Rachel van Moppes from Amsterdam, born in 1878. Henri was a chemical engineer and Jeannette was a housewife.

Jeannette van Moppes had the Dutch nationality but because of her marriage, the received the Belgian nationality. Her husband Henri van Dam was born in Borgerhout, his father Ruben in Antwerp and they were Belgians. But originally they were Dutch and are on the website Joods Monument as Sjoa victims but they are not added in the NDVS, the Nationale Database Vervolgings Slachtoffers. (the National Database Prosecution Victims)

It became clear more-or-less via the website “Belgian Jew Register" what their fate has been. The transportlist on which they occur, reveals that they were deported with convoy XXVI (26) of 31 July 1944 from Mechelen to Auschwitz. Descriptions of this convoy show, that they have arrived in Auschwitz on 2 August 1944, but about their fate is nothing further known, nor the date they lost their lives, nor the place where.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, closed family registration cards re. Isaac van Moppes and Schoontje Cohen (Overgenomen Delen); Felix Archive Antwerp, dossiers of foreigners no. 165113 and 968#17368 of Zacharias van Moppes; website Belgisch Jodenregister 1940-1945 and Yad Vashem.


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