
Wolf Boeken

Husband and Father

Wolf Boeken: born in Amsterdam 26-3-1920 killed in Auschwitz Poland 31-5-1944. Married: Petronella Kortlevers: 23-9-1922 in Amsterdam on 25-9-1940 died in Amsterdam on 2-3-1971

Together they had three children. After the war, my Mother was told that her husband was missing.

Every year my mother wrote letters to the government and the Queen. No News, in 1955 Wolf Boeken was declared dead. My Mother Never remarried.

The last know adress where my parents lived together was langehout straat 35 Amsterdam. A (joodse buurt).

That adress is all gone now there is a Concert hall and City hall.

My Mother was not of the Jewish faith.

And we are Wolf Boeken Family alive and well and he would be proud of his Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren.