
About the sisters Sophia and Rebecca Fuld.

Sophia and Rebecca Fuld were the youngest of the ten children of Louis Fuld and Jeannetta de Winter. Born in Rotterdam, Sophia came into the world on 22 February 1922 and her sister Rebecca on 21 March 1923.

They lived at home with their parents, since 1934 at Helmersstraat 18c in Rotterdam, but moved with the family even before the war to Den Haag, where they came to live at Naaldwijkschestraat 54, located in the Station District and nearby the Hoefkade. Sophia worked as servant maid and Rebecca as a seamstress.

In the summer of 1942, the occupying forces determined that all Jews had to leave The Hague. Subsequently, between August 1942 and April 1943, the majority of Jews in The Hague were deported to Westerbork and from there to extermination camps, with the first raids in The Hague taking place on 22 August 1942. (source: website joods erfgoed Den Haag)

Sophia and Rebecca most likely fell victim to those first raids of 22 August 1942. They were already registrated in Westerbork on 23 August and deported to Auschwitz with another 517 deportees on 24 August 1942.

The transport arrived in Auschwitz on 26/27 August and clear is, that upon arrival the 20-year old Sophia as well the 19-year old Rebecca have been put to work in forced labour. The conditions there were completely different of what they had possibly imagined; where they ended up is not known, neither the kind of “work” they had to do nor the exact date of their death, but due to the inhumane conditions and hardships many soon died there or were murdered in the gas chambers.

After the war, the Dutch Authorities have established – also based on testimonials of survivors and research -  that Sophia and Rebecca Fuld no longer could be alive after 30 September 1942. Then the Municipality of Den Haag was commissioned to draw up certificates of death for both of them in which was established that Sophia Fuld and Rebecca Fuld both had died on 30 September 1942 in Auschwitz.

Sources include the City Archive of Roterdam, family registration cards of Louis Fuld; website erfgoed Den Haag/razzia’s 1942; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Sophia and Rebecca Fuld; the Wikipedia website jodentransporten vanuit and the Municipal Archive of Den Haag/death register/deed C1970 dated 17 Aug 1950 for Sophia Fuld and deed C1969 dated 17 Aug 1950 for Rebecca Fuld.


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