
About Levie Peper, his wife Johanna Vos, their daughter Bela and their other children.

Levie Peper was a son of Abraham Peper and Margaretha Rood. He was born in Amsterdam on 24 June 1874 and he earned his money as a hawker. On 30 March 1905 he married Johanna (Naatje) Vos in Amsterdam, who was born there on 22 April 1871 as a daughter of Joseph Vos and Marianna Aron Tailleur.

Levie Peper lived with his wife Johanna Vos at Korte Houtstraat 7 2nd floor in Amsterdam. The couple had six children in total, of whom two have died in childhood, viz. Abraham, who died on 11 Marvch 1906, only 1 month old and Joseph on 12 August 1911, just 4 months old. The other members of the Levie Peper family were murdered during the Shoah; besides Abraham and Joseph it were Marianne, Margaretha, Bela, and again an Abraham.

Margaretha was the only one of the Peper children who was married. She was wed on 18 September 1935 to Louis Mechanicus, who then worked as a painter for a building society. Together with Margaretha he had three children, viz. Leo, Sarah and Johan. Louis was sent to the Jewish labour camp in Vledder on 20 March 1942 but in the end lost his life in Auschwitz on 28 February 1943. His wife Margaretha and her three young children were already murdered in Auschwitz on 15 October 1942.

Except Margaretha, the other children lived just at home with their parents at Korte Houtstraat 7 2nd floor. Marianne and her brother Abraham most likely have responded to the call for the so-called “Arbeitseinsatz”, the provision of additional work in Germany under police surveillance, and they travelled to Westerbork on 21 July 1942 and one week later, on 27 July 1942, from there deported to Auschwitz. After the war it has been established that they have died in Auschwitz on 30 September 1942.

Louis Peper, his wife Johanna (Naatje) Vos and their still at home living daughter Bela, were arrested on 21 November 1942 at home and carried off to Westerbork. Soon afterwards, on 30 November, Bela was deported to Auschwitz and upon arrival there on 3 December 1942, immediately murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Louis and his wife Johanna stayed a few days more in Westerbork. They were put on transport to Auschwitz on 4 December 1942 and upon arrival there on 7 December they were immediately carried off to the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau to be murdered.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card of Louis Peper, archive cards of Johanna Vos, Bela Peper; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Louis Peper, Johanna Peper-Vos and Bela Peper and the Wikipedia website jodentransporten vanuit

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