Isaäc Mug, a son of Abraham Mug and Mietje van Gogh, was born in Rotterdam on 27 March 1888. Isaäc was born deaf; however on his family registration card was mentioned : “deaf and dumb”. Isaäc was working as a docker before he was married. He also earned his money as a merchant in various goods.
On 9 August 1916 Isaäc Mug got married in Amsterdam to Esther Brilleman, who was also born deaf as a daughter of Mijer Brilleman and Schoontje Aandagt. The couple then lived in the Oostenburger Middenstraat 26 in Amsterdam, where Isaäc started working as a shoemaker.
Also in Rotterdam, where they have moved to from Amsterdam on 26 April 1917 and where they came to live in the Mauritsstraat 27b, located in the city centre, was Isaäc working as a shoemaker to provide for his family.
After a few months, on 14 August 1917, their first child was born; that was Abraham. On 11 August 1919 their second son Meijer was born and Mietje was the last to be born on 19 February 1923.
The Isaäc Mug family has lived at many addresses in Rotterdam. Between 1917 and 1936 they certainly have moved about ten times to other dwellings, till the date of 23 July 1936, when they were registered at the address Anna Paulownastraat 43a in Rotterdam, a side streed of the West-Kruiskade. This would turn out later also being their last known address in the Netherlands.
Their children lived not anymore at home; Abraham was married in 1940 and had a child. Their last address in Rotterdam was Doezastraat 291. Meijer was married to a non-Jewish woman, with whom he had two children. Their address was Piet Heinstraat 33 in Nijmegen. And Mietje lived since the end of September 1936 in Santpoort_Zuid in “Huize Dina”, where Jewish girls from disadvantaged backgrounds could receive a safe and virtuous education.
During the large-scale raids of early October 1942, Esther Brilleman was taken in Rotterdam and carried off to Westerbork, where she arrived between 3 and 5 October. Her husband Isaäc Mug however arrived “only” one week later, on 13 October in Westerbork. But on 16 October were both put on transport to Auschwitz, and upon arrival there on 19 October 1942 they were immediately murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Sources include the City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration card of Isaäc Mug; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Isaäc Mug and Esther Brilleman and additions of visitors of the website.