
Rebecca de Levita

Experience in the Holocaust

Rebecca de Levita was the first child of Aaltje van Kollem and Louis de Levita. Louis de Levita had six children from his previous marriage, some of whom lived with Aaltje and Louis in their home. Louis de Levita died on 17-Feb-1925. Aaltje, Rebecca and Arnold moved into the home at Burgemeester Tellengenstraat 14 huis, Amsterdam in April, 1935. As the stepchildren were adults and many already married, they did not live in the same home. The family continued to live in this home at the time of the war.

Rebecca de Levita worked as an office clerk. She had a ‘MULO’ diploma (advanced scholarly education) and could speak English, German and French. At the beginning of the occupation, she was determined by the Joodse Raad to have exempt status for deportation as ‘functie’ or performing a special function, possibly due to her language abilities.

Rebecca de Levita was the last of her immediate family to be deported. She was transferred to Westerbork, where she was further transported on the 15th Transport to Sobibor on 01-Jun-1943, in the pouring rain. In most cases, there were no survivors of the transports to Sobibor. However, this particular transport was described by survivor Jules Shevis. The transport contained 3,006 deportees. A passenger car was attached behind the locomotive for the guards and provisions. The prisoners were loaded into cattle cars, which contained two barrels: one for drinking water and one for the latrine. Upon arrival in Sobibor, the prisoners were forced to give up all of their belongings. The women were separated from the men and marched away. Rebecca de Levita died in Sobibor on 04-Jun-1943 at the age of 26.



Amsterdam Stadsarchief: Archive Card Aaltje van Kollem

Amsterdam Stadsarchief: Archive Card Rebecca de Levita

Amsterdam Stadsarchief: Archive Card Arnold de Levita

ITS-Arolsen 130332787: Judenrat Card Rebecca de Levita

ITS-Arolsen 5150869: Listen Westerbork, Family de Levita

ITS-Arolsen 5155559: Transport List Westerbork Family de Levita

Yad Vashem: Transport from Westerbork to Sobibor 01-Jun-1943