
Letter about Anna Goudeket-Denneboom, October 1942

By: M Fortner

In late 1942, W.S.H. Elte, head of Amsterdam's Jewish Lyceum, wrote to the local department of education about a missing member of his staff: A. Goudeket, a French language and literature teacher who hadn't been seen at work since September 23. As none of Elte's attempts to find out what had happened to Goudeket had been successful, he now sought the department's help in filling her position.

Anna Goudeket-Denneboom had in fact been rounded up. She was deported from Westerbork to Auschwitz not long after Elte posted his letter, and is assumed to have been gassed there upon arrival on or around October 15.

Letter from W.S.H. Elte to the municipal education department, October 1942 (Source: Amsterdam City Archives)
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Sources: Archief van de Secretarie; Afd. Onderwijs en rechtsvoorganger (Amsterdam City Archives); Westerbork deportation registers, 1942-2944 (ITS Arolsen)

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