
Jokos file

Jokos-dossiers werden opgebouwd rondom claims die na de oorlog bij de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland werden ingediend voor tijdens de oorlog geroofde inboedels.

The looting of these contents was described as M-Aktion (Möbel-Aktion). These claims were therefore known as Möbel-claims or M-Claims. The files contain several documents, including application forms, computation forms, statements of the right to inheritance and in several cases an Abnahmeverzeichnis or Inventory.

The Jokos Foundation was a partnership arrangement of various Jewish organizations: Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk, Nederlands-Israëlitisch Kerkgenootschap, Portuguese-Jewish Community, Liberaal Joodse Gemeente, Stichting Schadeloosstelling Joodse Oorlogsslachtoffers in Nederland.

The Jokos files are stored at the Amsterdam municipal archive and belong to Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk (JMW; Jewish Social Work). Examining these files requires the approval of JMW. You can download an application form here (in Dutch only). For assistance contact JMW.

Please note: Recently was detected that a number of entries conserning Jokos-files stands wrongly at the Digital Monument. Despite the indication on the website the file may not always be available.

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