Bijdragen aan Mayer Obler

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Herdenk Mayer Obler

Mayer Obler

Zurawno, – Sneek,

Bereikte de leeftijd van 69 jaar



Over Mayer Obler

Uit de begraafboeken van de joodse begraafplaats te Sneek is bekend dat Mayer Obler aldaar is begraven.

Zie voor meer informatie over Mayer Oblers dood J. E. Bazuin, Theesurrogaat voor Sneek. Joodse kinderen overleefden de oorlog (Leeuwarden 2006) 73.

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Max and Eugenie Obler

Hidden in a cupboard

This was written by Max's granddaughter:  My grandparents thought that they were really safe in Holland and that is why they had come to join their daughter [Charlotte]. But seeing that she was not coming back, the Dutch thought it wise to hide them in Sneek. It was very difficult to convince my grandfather, shouting that he was no criminal who must hide, that he even had a diploma from the army, …

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