
About Salomon Kattenburg

Salomon (Willem) Kattenburg was the son of Willem Kattenburg and Rozet Prins. He attended the MULO (publicly-run advanced primary school) in Haarlem. He worked at Flessman, an Amsterdam firm, and then at various large firms in Berlin. Starting on 1 January 1909, he worked at the Hollandia-Kattenburg textile factory in Amsterdam. He is thought to be partly responsible for the rise in export sales that began in 1910, because he was responsible for sales in Austria and Germany. Salomon was appointed to the supervisory board of the Hollandia factories in 1916 and became one of the directors in 1927. He was fond of singing.
Bron: IISG

Salomon Kattenburg joined the Hollandia-Kattenburg textile factory in Amsterdam on 1 January 1909. On Wednesday, 11 November 1942, around 4:30 PM, Willy Lages conducted the Sicherheitspolizei raid on the Hollandia factories. All exits were blocked, and the Jewish staff members were taken away that evening. Photographs of all workers taken away that evening, as well as those deported previously, appear in the 'Boek der tranen' [Book of tears].
Jewish Historical Museum, Documents collection, B1376, 'Boek der tranen' [Book of tears]