
Ruth Scheuer-Siegler

The daughter of Jakob Scheuer and Helene Scheuer-Daniel

Ruth Scheuer, Bilthoven, 1941

Ruth Scheuer 

She was born on April 22, 1927, in Sinzenichz, Germany. Married Walter Siegler (Born on January 8, 1922, in Geroldstein, Germany) on February 20, 1949, St Joseph, MO, U.S.A. Ruth passed away on September 3, 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama

Ruth and her family were deported from Camp Westerbork to Theresienstadt and later to Auschwitz II (Birkenau). Then they were deported again to Stutthof, Polen en to Praust, Polen. At the end of the War the Germans put the surviving prisoners on a death march to the west. The Russian Army was closing in. Ruth and her sister Ilse survived the Concentration Camps and the death march that followed. They both living in Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A. 

Ruth,s brother Ernst Scheuer (Born on February 23, 1923, in Sinzenichz, Germany) He did not survive the war and died on April 16, 1945, in Swartzheide (Senftenberg) a subcamp of Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen.

Here parents Jakob Scheuer and Helene Scheuer Daniel both died at Concentration Auschwitz in 1944.